Bioesthetic Dentistry

Are you looking for long-lasting results of dental treatments? If yes, Bioesthetic Dentistry could be a great option for you. It is a branch of restorative dentistry, but with a touch of natural elements, and improves dental health by promoting natural elements.

What is Bioesthetic Dentistry?

The idea of bioesthetic dentistry is to achieve optimal dental health, aesthetics, and beauty. The term “bioesthetic dentistry” is commonly used to market the idea. The main focus of this dentistry is the chewing system. And to obtain optimal dental health, the correction of your chewing system’s defect becomes the primary goal.

Who introduced bioesthetic dentistry?

In 1978, a dentist and researcher named Dr. Robert Lee carefully established the parameters of bioesthetic dentistry after conducting research studies on people with no dental health problems. This helped him to set values for the stability and health of the people.

Fun fact: The very first research regarding bioesthetic dentistry was made in California.

Restoration through bioesthetic dentistry:

The restoration performed following the parameters of bioesthetic dentistry is more likely to succeed. They are better looking, fitter, and last longer than traditional treatments.

Treatments based on bioesthetic parameters:

Now, we will discuss some of the most treatments that are usually great while using bioesthetic parameters.

  • Porcelain restoration 
  • Simple filling
  • Bioesthetic Rejuvenation

And, what is Bioesthetic Rejuvenation?

Bioesthetic Rejuvenation is the restoration of the chewing system aka dentition by following the parameters of bioesthetic dentistry.

The process of Bio Rejuvenation addresses bites and bone problems.

How does a full mouth rejuvenation work?

As we’ve discussed, the main focus of bioesthetic treatments is jaw alignment and the chewing system. We will break down the full mouth rejuvenation process into FOUR steps.

Step 1: Assessment

An x-ray of facial bones, jaw joints, and surrounding area is taken to analyze the jaw alignment and to assess the next step. A panadent instrument is used to analyze the teeth, and facial alignment and detect “chewing disharmony”.

Step 2: Consultation

Once the assessment is completed, your bioesthetic dentist might consult with the specialists of the fields which are causing the chewing disharmony. For instance, if you have severely crooked or overcrowded teeth, you might need an orthodontist.

Step 3: Stabilization

However, if there are problems related to misalignment of jaws only, then you will have to wear a  MAGO (maxillary anterior guided orthotic) for two to four months. This will correct the jaw alignment.

Step 4: Reshaping

When the jaw is stabilized, reshaping the biting surface takes place. The treatments required for these steps are commonly known in restorative and cosmetic dentistry, such as dental crowns, veneers, bondings, and braces.

If there is a need for any other treatment, you will get it. If not, your full mouth rejuvenation treatment has been performed.

How much is a full mouth rejuvenation?

A typical full mouth rejuvenation depends on the condition of the alignment of your jaw. Usually, bioesthetic dentistry in California is expensive. It might cost you from $300-$2,000 per tooth. But, the treatment is a long-term investment, and there is nothing better than investing in one’s own health. To get a professional bioesthetic dentist in Chula Vista, call us now.

Office Hours

Tuesday: 8am to 5pm
Wednesday: 8am to 5pm
Thursday: 7am to 4pm
Friday: 7am to 3pm

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